AI in Recruitment: Enhancing, Not Replacing, the Human Touch

In my nearly 20 years of interviewing and hiring, I’ve witnessed firsthand the evolution of recruitment practices. Today, at Strand Human Capital (Strand Human Metrics) I continue to see the impact that AI has on the recruitment process—both its potential and its limitations.

One of the early lessons I learned was that scanning resumes for keywords could be an effective way to reduce the pool of candidates. It seemed like a logical step: the more specific the criteria, the more likely I was to find the “perfect” match. However, I quickly realized that this approach also meant I was short-changing myself—and my team—by missing out on candidates who could have been great cultural fits but didn’t have the right buzzwords on their resumes.

This brings me to a story from 2006-2007 when I was working as a Retail Manager. My employer had to shut down a partner retailer, and our area leadership tasked us with reaching out to over 300 displaced employees in just a few days. The sheer volume of calls forced us to be objective and systematic, ensuring each person received the same opportunity. The task was daunting, but it was also a life-changing experience. It taught me the importance of maintaining the human element in recruitment, especially when people’s livelihoods are at stake.

AI tools in recruitment are undeniably powerful. They can process vast amounts of data and identify candidates that match specific criteria with incredible speed and efficiency. However, these tools often miss the nuances that make a candidate truly valuable. For instance, I’ve encountered candidates who, despite not having the “right” keywords on their resumes, were perfect for the roles due to their unique experiences and alignment with our company culture.

One story that stands out is about a peer of mine who secured a deal with a world-renowned pharmaceutical company. During a tour with other contenders, he bent down to pick up a piece of trash. The decision-maker later revealed that this small act of consideration set him apart from the rest. This quality wasn’t reflected on his resume, yet it made all the difference in the outcome.

Tools like AI, automation and similar can aid in the recruitment process, it cannot replace the human intuition required to recognize a candidate’s full potential. We must be willing to go beyond the data, to engage with candidates on a personal level, and to consider the intangible qualities that make someone a great fit for our team.

If you’re struggling to find the right people or to build a team that fits your culture, let’s talk. There are no shortcuts in recruitment, and while AI is a valuable tool, it’s just one part of the equation. The human touch remains essential.


AI-enabled recruiting in the war for talent by J. Stewart Black and Patrick van Esch.

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